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Sunday 8 November 2015

Selling out on Social Media for 'Likes' and 'Follows'.

Something that I've found quite disturbing lately, I'll correct that, not lately because it's been happening for quite some time and that's people abandoning their social and moral compasses, in favour of sharing anything and everything on social media for the sake of 'Likes' and 'Follows'.

Has it come down to this? Have we become so obsessed with internet stardom that we'll just share any old tat because we think people will think it's cool? Sadly it seems so. Even more disturbing, is that media entities are doing this and using 'click-bait' to up their presence on social media. But at what cost? Wouldn't you rather have integrity? Have people respect your opinions?

I always liked the Peacock report line, where the media is there to 'Inform, Educate and Entertain'. However, it would seem that the first two sentiments are greatly disregarded these days in favour of just pure entertainment, or perceived entertainment.

If you're in a position of power and influence, then you really do have a moral duty to be mindful of what you post, because sadly there are a great many people out there who believe everything they see, think everything is 'cool' because really they just don't know any better. That's not their fault, but you shouldn't pander to that or encourage it and instead take the opportunity to open peoples eyes and educate them.

Don't supposedly be an advocate for something, then post a video, image or other material that goes against what you 'allegedly' believe. It's not cool or clever, it makes you a hypocrite. Luckily recent posts I've seen in this regard were pulled up by the general public who vented their disgust, meaning what was posted was swiftly removed. But why is something being posted to start with? Before you hit that 'publish' button, consider the reactions of the general public? Does that post sit with your brand? Does it represent you? Is it inline with your moral and social sensibilities? If the answer is no - scrap it.

People in charge of social media pages for companies, especially ones in the public eye need to be especially vigilant, because you can destroy a reputation with one bad, ill thought out post.

Not everything you publish is going to encompass all three sentiments of Informing, Educating and Entertaining, but I think we need to up the importance of the first two and be mindful of our social responsibilities.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

The joy of voice - why I love voice-over work.

Doing voice-over work is possibly one of the most enjoyable jobs, and most challenging that I do.

When you get that phone call to come for a 'session', you never know what you're going to get until you walk through the door and are given the script. I've been very fortunate to have voiced varied and interesting work over the last 20 years or so. The straight, informative reads are probably the easiest, as well as the IVR's where I've got my automated voice perfected, much to the annoyance of Emirates Airlines crew who will know me as EVITA, or the horrible person who gave them a terrible flight - hey I'm just the messenger. 

Jobs like that for big clients are great, because once they've picked you to be 'their voice' there's always work as their systems always require updating. I'm also fortunate to have Mashreq bank's customer service IVR as one of my regular jobs and have just started a project with Jumeirah Group to consolidate all their restaurant information.

What I really love however, is when you get the chance to do more voice acting and that is something that you constantly have to practice for, just like a stage, tv or movie actor, except you have to convey everything the client is looking for, just using your voice. No mean feat I can tell you.

Sometimes you end up in hilarious sessions, where the production guys, the clients and myself have ended up laughing our heads off at some of the things that have happened. I remember one session where I was called for an audio dub, basically a tv commercial where the original language was Arabic, but it needed to be dubbed over into English. So there I am, standing alongside another lady and we're voicing the two roles in the commercial. We have a tv monitor set up, so we can 'act out' the roles while the commercial is playing. The scenario was that we were having a conversation whilst out running and at some points had to be breathless. Well what better way that to literally act it out, so there we were running around the studio, jogging on the spot, reading these lines and trying to make it all fit with the visuals. Challenging and fun :-)

Other times, you go into a session and end up with a final product, completely opposite to the original brief. I had one animated tv commercial that originally had an American voice on it, but for some reason the client wasn't happy, so they called me with my very British accent to re-voice it. I'm handed the script which has four characters, plus the announcer, so obviously I ask about the part they wish me to voice, "All of them" comes the answer. Ohhh, well alright I'm always up for a challenge to to stretch my abilities.

So I do several takes, reading each part in sync with these little animated characters and really getting into it, but something just sounds off. We decide that I should 'soften' a little, with less articulation and see how that goes. Better, better, but even I'm not happy with it. I think sometimes, some accents work better than others for certain projects. I suggest that I do it in an American accent and see how that goes - now I'm not great at accents, they all seem to come out a bit Irish. So basically I go into parrot mode, listen, repeat - but with my own inflections and how I think the characters should act. By the time I'd finished, I'd voice all these little characters, plus the announcer in an American accent and I'm wondering what was wrong with the original voice on the commercial, but they seemed to like my takes better so that's a nice one to add to the demo reel.

When it comes to voice over work, versatility is key. The more you can do, the more likely you are to be picked for different jobs. We can't all do those deep rumbling 'In a world......' movie trailers of course, but the more you practice, the more you expand your capabilities, the better set you are for the work that you need to do. I used to love voice coaching sessions and my coach was invaluable. Just like a singer, your voice is your tool and you have to look after it, exercise it and know its capabilities.

It still makes me chuckle when I hear people who say "oh I've been told I have a really nice voice and should do voice over work" - well that's all very nice and well and good, but it takes MUCH more than just having a nice voice.

I'm very fortunate to have been able to call myself a voice over artist for many years now and am very thankful to work with some great production houses and people. Voice work can be extremely challenging and that's something I'll cover in a follow up post.

Monday 19 October 2015

The trip of a lifetime - Horse riding safari in South Africa and Botswana.

When I turned 40 this year, I promised myself I was going to go on the holiday of a lifetime. A bucket list trip that I'd always wanted to do - a horse riding safari in Africa. I went online and did quite a bit of research and came across a company called 'In the saddle', who organise horse riding trips around the world. The one that caught my eye was the 'African Explorer', which entailed four nights in South Africa and three in Botswana. Was it expensive? Quite! But you know what? If there's something you want to really do, you'll find a way and a means to do it and I certainly wasn't disappointed.

I went off by myself and hooked up with a group of seven strangers for a weeks riding and it was AMAZING!!! In South Africa we stayed at Horizon Horseback Adventures Camp Davidson, which is a little away from the main lodge, consisting of a group of tented accommodations, a main eating tent, dip pool, paddock for the horses and incredible views across the plains.
One of the tents at Camp Davidson

Each day we did two rides, one morning and one evening. Riding across various game reserves we came across lots of different animals (non-dangerous), such as giraffe, kudu, zebra, warthog and many more.
Giraffe in the reserves around Horizon, South Africa

Riding through the reserves around Horizon, South Africa

One of the highlights was seeing the Hippos in the lake - obviously you have to take care around these animals. We were lucky enough to see them come out of the water and give us a grin :-)
Hippos in the lake

The horses at Horizon were lots and lots of fun, all lovely animals, all very well cared for and the guides were able to match up the type of rider that you are with a suitable horse. I always like something with a bit of fire and spirit and was given 'Livingston'. He didn't disappoint. It was four days of pure fun and one of the highlights was being able to swim with the horses on the last day. That was a truly brilliant experience and one I'll never forget.
Going for a canter with Livingston

One thing I have to mention is the food! Oh my gosh, the food! I have no idea how the lovely cook managed to create such wonderful culinary creations in a tent with limited facilities, but she did and every single meal was simply fantastic.

We also got the chance to do a game drive through the Entabeni Reserve, where we were saw some amazing animals including elephants, white rhinos, baboons, impala and we were very very fortunate to come across a black rhino - there are only about 500 left in the whole of South Africa after their numbers have been decimated by poachers.
Game drive through Entabeni Reserve, South Africa

White Rhinos in Entabeni Reserve

After four days at Camp Davidson, it was time to say goodbye and we hit the road to head to the border and into Botswana. The next three nights would be spent with Limpopo Horse Safaris at the Two Mashatus camp in the Tuli Block. Once again, we had horses selected for our abilities and this time I had 'Cimarron'. Such a lovely gentleman, with a fantastic jump and speed and zest if asked of him.
Posing with Cimarron and some giraffe

In Botswana we got up with the sun, had our breakfast then spent the next five or six hours in the saddle - yup you really have to be ride fit for this part of the trip. The lovely thing about Botswana, is that the reserves aren't fenced in, so the animals can freely wander and you get to ride in these vast open spaces with lovely long canters.

We saw animals such as giraffe, kudu, impala. One highlight was cantering along with a small herd of wildebeest, another was stumbling across a family of hyenas, who were happy for us to watch them play. The one incredible thing I loved was the elephants! To get so close to these huge, intelligent, majestic creatures was a definite highlight for me and I was able to capture some truly memorable moments with them.
A baby elephant looking to its mother for reassurance

Elephant and sunset - beauty in a picture :-)

Each evening we'd go out for a drive around the reserve, stopping for sundowners as we took in the beauty of it all.
One thing that amused me was how bold some of the animals are. You'd very often find 'Cheeky monkeys' stealing food from the horses.
It was a very sad time, when we rode the horses back to the stable and finally had to say goodbye. What an incredible adventure we'd all had. I'd made wonderful friends, had an amazing time and I do have to say that the guides for both parts of the trip - Lucas and Nina at Horizon, West and Theda at Limpopo was all extremely professional, made us all feel 100% safe, were great fun and amazing to hand out with.

This truly was the trip of a lifetime and one I will never forget, but, I will definitely be going back for another African Adventure :-) Happy riding.

For more information you can contact:

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Review: Detox Delight - Business Traveller Package.

As someone who is always on the go, very often working erratic hours with a busy life, I find it very difficult to schedule time to eat and eat properly. So, when I was asked to try out the new Business Traveller Package from Detox Delight, this sounded perfect to me.

The package is specifically designed for people on the go, to make sure you get proper healthy nutrition instead of reaching for junk food snacks and sitting down to a heavy, unhealthy meal at the end of the day. The package provides you with a three day vitamin booster pack, which consists of six juices, so you have two a day - the equivalent to eating over 2kg of fresh fruits and veggies, without the fuss.

My juices arrived all fresh and packed in ice and looked delicious. They consisted of the following:

1. Lemonade - Filtered water, Lemon, Activated Charcoal, Maple Syrup, Chili Pepper.
2. Orange - Apple, Carrot, Wheatgrass, Lemon.
3. Pink - Apple, Raspberry, Coconut Water, Lime, Mint.
4. Green - Apple, Spinach, Watermelon, Lemon.
5. Lemonade - Apple, Filtered Water, Pink Grapefruit.
6. Yellow - Apple, Pineapple, Cucumber, Celery, Lemon.

All the juices are 100% natural, raw and unprocessed with no additives or sweeteners. Organic and cold pressed AND they're absolutely delicious! Having made juices myself in the past, I am used to the taste and for some people the 'green' juices might take a bit of getting used to, but because there is always something sweet used as a base, it really makes these juices easily drinkable.

It made life so much easier, just being able to reach for one of these, instead of having to make something myself or make an unhealthy choice.

I was also sent some of the Detox Delight snacks to try.

The Crunchy Granola was great to pick at for a snack and I especially loved the delicate cinnamon flavour.
The Spicy Crackers are definitely one of my favourite things. Super tasty, with a bit of a kick and quite addictive actually. Who knew veggies, seeds and spices could be combined together into something so yummy. The added bonus is that these snacks are completely organic, gluten-free, vegan, all natural and free from preservatives or any additives.

I was also sent some energy balls as a snack - sadly no pic, as I kind of liked those a little too much and they were gone before I realised it *blushes*.

I have been so happy when getting up at 4am in the morning to be able to reach for a juice for breakfast, to get a vitamin boost first thing, as usually I can't eat anything and this has been perfect for me.

Loved everything I was sent and can't rate it highly enough.

The Business Traveller Package - which consists of the six juices is 370 Dhs (excluding delivery).

For more details and a full list of packages that Detox Delight offers, you can head to their website. Detox Delight

You can also follow Detox Delight on social media:

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Trekkies in Dubai queue up to be part of the next Hollywood blockbuster.

When casting agency Miranda Davidson Studios announced that they were holding a three day, open casting call for the BIGGEST Hollywood movie to be shot in Dubai in the last five years - people turned up in droves.

Never officially announced, but the timings, research and whisperings seemed to suggest that this was for the latest installment of the Star Trek franchise: Star Trek Beyond.

JJ Abrams sadly isn't directing this one, as he's too busy with a certain other franchise set in a 'Galaxy far far away'. But at the helm is seasoned director Justin Lin, who directed many of the Fast and the Furious movies. Also worth noting is that brilliant British actor, writer, producer Simon Pegg, who also plays Chief Engineer 'Scotty' has co-written this latest trekfest.

Anyway, I digress.....

When myself and a few work mates saw this - yup the 'nerds and geeks' of the office, we thought, why the heck not? And trotted off for the casting sessions. These were held in the sound stages (where movie companies build giant indoor sets to shoot their films on), of Dubai's Studio City.

We got there early!

After filling out all our details, showing some ID's, we then had our photos taken. These are the standard head shot, full body shot from the front and side. The we had all our measurements taken, which was all very thorough. After this we were on our merry way again and all you do is sit and wait to see if you get a call.

The cool thing about being an extra is, whether it's for TV, film, commercials or corporate, agencies need people of all shapes, sizes, nationalities and backgrounds - it just depends what they're looking for for each individual project. With this in mind, there's no reason why anyone can't go and register themselves.

Working as an extra is a whole lot of fun! I used to do a lot of it for various TV shows in the UK. 

It's brilliant to see so many big budget Hollywood movies being shot in the UAE now and giving people in the locality the chance to get involved and be part of this incredible industry.

Good luck to everyone who went. If you get picked, I'm sure you'll be fabulous.

Monday 3 August 2015

Hunting - A totally unnecessary bloodsport.

I have no words to describe people who go hunting. Actually that's not true at all, I have lots of words to describe them, but none that do justice to their abhorrent attitude towards the beautiful creatures that we have on this earth.

Why a seemingly intelligent person would feel the need to track and kill a creature for fun is beyond me. Hunting for a purpose - for food, clothing, I get that. But hunting for sport? Totally unnecessary and serves no purpose than to fuel some peoples needs for blood lust.

The killing of Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe has made people raise their voices against this practice, and rightly so. I've seen people ask, 'Why such an outcry over ONE lion?' - clearly these people don't seem to understand, that in the whole of Africa there are less than 30,000 lions left. Plus it's not just ONE lion, when you kill the Alpha male, the other males vying to be the next Alpha, inherently kill all the cubs belonging to the fallen King - therefore an entire group can be wiped out.

 When does the killing stop? When there are none left in the world, but those poor creatures languishing in zoos and safari parks, guarded day and night by armed soldiers?

Sadly man's 'need' to shoot things has created greedy people and given rise to canned hunting - a vile practice where animals are raised in captivity, then let loose in a restricted area for hunters to shoot them. I don't call that fair, do you?

I've also seen people making thin arguments for shooting lions and other animals, citing attacks on people - well sorry but this happens when man decides to encroach on the territories of other beings. What gives some humans the right to think they are the only ones allowed to live on this planet, with everything else at their disposal, to be used how they see fit. You have NO right. We 'share' this earth with other creatures, who have just as much right to an existence as we do, but the way we are going, we will have wiped out the majority of species in no time and in just a few decades lions, tigers, elephants and rhinos will only be found in history books, documentaries on Animal Planet and stuffed in museums. Is this really what we want?

We are supposed to be caretakers, but instead humans are the most violent, destructive, infective species that there is. When are we going to wake up? Cecil the lions death has highlighted this problem and the people that are the problem. I applaud the authorities in Zimbabwe for taking action, for banning hunting of large game and wanting those responsible to be brought to justice, and rightly so. However, governments and organisations in African countries and indeed others around the world are also to blame for allowing these things to happen in the first place. For putting a price on the heads of animals that they are famous for.

These animals should be viewed in awe and amazement and revered for how incredibly beautiful they are. If you want a souvenir - Take a picture, NOT a trophy.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Review - MedColl Collagen Supplement.

A while a go I was asked if I would like to try a new anti-aging supplement, and of course I jumped at the chance.

MedColl's new collagen supplements are a nutraceutical - basically a product made from natural ingredients, that have medicinal purposes. Great! As natural is definitely the way to go. So the product claims to boost collagen production, keep the skin hydrated and fight off free radicals using anti-oxidants.

This isn't a quick fix, as the supplements are working from the inside and take time to come into full effect and can start to be seen in future skin cycles, with the turnover of new skin cells being approximately every 30 days.

I was given a 45 day supply and had to take 2 of the supplement tablets everyday. Obviously this was going to take a little while for any visible results and I wasn't sure if I'd notice anything at all after just 45 days. However, my skin definitely feels more hydrated and plumper than it did before, this in turn had a reducing effect on finer lines. I have combination skin, with the typical oily T-zone, which seems to have evened out as well. My skin feels smoother and softer overall, which I'm very happy about and I'm sure that over time and continued use of the supplement, there would only be more positive and visible results.

MedColl is available at leading UAE pharmacies and retails for approx: 299Dhs for a months supply - which is cost effective if you want to go a natural route and avoid things like Botox and Fillers.

Sunday 28 June 2015

Getting the point - dry needling for muscle issues

After struggling with shoulder issues for months on end, constantly being in pain and having a limited range of movement - enough was enough. My physios were doing lots of different treatments, electrotherapy, infrared laser, physio massage, ultrasound, all of which was helping, albeit slowly.

Then in one session, it was suggested that we try Trigger Point Dry Needling on the muscles causing the issues. I had no idea what this entailed and just thought it was like acupuncture - how wrong I was.

TDN, to give it its short name, involves using a very fine needle (the same as an acupuncture needle) which is inserted at the point in the muscle causing the problem. I never felt the needle go in at all and was asked to tell the therapist when I felt the needle hitting the trigger point, basically when I felt some pain. At that point the therapist stimulates the trigger point with the needle, then removes it. This is done on each area of muscle causing the issues.

I then had kinetic tape put over the area and went on my merry way.

What I didn't expect, was the next day to feel so much better!!! The pain was greatly reduced and I had a better range of motion in my shoulder and arm - this after just one session.

So I went back for more and the following day it improved again. Basically after just two sessions, I would say my shoulder and arm are 85% back to being normal again.

I'm astounded at how effective this treatment is and really don't know why it's not recommended more, as clearly it works.....and fast!

So, for anyone else suffering from similar issues, it might well be worth asking to try this treatment as it's definitely worked for me.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Pet abadonment - why are mixed breeds shunned?

This time of year in the UAE depresses me! It's the time of year when 'pets' across the country get dumped, mostly by expats leaving for good or going away on summer vacation and suddenly realizing that they haven't made provision for their furry friend and all the kennels are fully booked, or they haven't put money aside to cover relocation costs, which, depending which country you're relocating to can include flights, vet checks and quarantine.

Rescue groups and shelters are bursting at the seams, with waiting lists for dogs and cats in desperate need of homes. BUT, there's one big sad reality, any time a small, pure bred dog comes up for rehoming or adoption, people line up to take it, while the mixed breed dogs can wait days, weeks, months and in some tragic cases years to find their forever home.

This is a reality that I have never understood at all. The majority of mixed breed dogs, get no bigger than knee high and it is a FACT that mixed breed dogs are generally healthier and require less maintenance than pure breds. Everyone I know with a pure bred dog, has spent a small fortune on vet bills, because they're so in-bred, that they suffer from genetic health issues, especially snub-nosed breeds and dogs with lots of skin folds.

Your 'designer' dog or a Cockapoo, or Labradoodle that you spent thousands on is STILL a mongrel anyway you want to put it.

I have two mixed breed desert dogs and they are just awesome, kind, affectionate, rounded personalities, never had any health issues (despite one of them being disabled) and I would never have anything else.
In short, if you're thinking about adding a furry friend to your family, please give the mixed breeds a chance, go in with an open mind and heart, because most of the time, dogs choose YOU, not the other way around and you might be pleasantly surprised. Consider the needs of any animal before adding one to your family - vet bills, relocation costs, quarantine - all the things that it'll cost you if and when you leave the UAE. An animal might only be around for part of your life, but you should be there for the entirety of its life. Dogs have feelings and being abandoned causes upset, confusion and sadness for them. They simply are not things you throw away like rubbish and if you're not prepared to be a responsible owner, then please, PLEASE do not get a pet to start with.

I applaud all the rescue groups and shelters who take on these poor souls, because all they want is a little love and a place to call their forever home.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Fillerina by Labo - a review

Produced by Swiss company Labo, Fillerina is a product I absolutely had to try. It's the first, at home dermo-cosmetic filler for at home use and claims to reduce wrinkles and plump out cheeks and lips.

Having had both botox and fillers in the past - for the deep frown lines in my forehead and laughter lines around my mouth, I was very keen to see the results a non-surgical product could give.

Fillerina consists of two different products, the first is the gel filler, which you apply along wrinkles, frown/laughter lines, crows feet, neck lines, using the precision applicator. You then leave the gel to be absorbed for ten minutes. After this time, any residual product can be patted into the skin (not rubbed in). Following the gel, you then apply the nourishing film and massage all over your face and neck. It's recommended to use up to 2ml of product a day, but to be honest this was a bit much for my skin and I ended up applying both evening at night to be able to use that much. But it's up to you whether you use one or two applications a day.

Fillerina comes in three grades, 1, 2 and 3 and you use the grading charts in pharmacies to decide which grade is suitable for you, depending how evident your wrinkles are.

You use Fillerina for 14 days - there's meant to be enough product for one, 2ml application a day for the 14 days, but I found I had some left over. You then maintain using the other Labo products, then reuse Fillerina in three months time.

So, what's the verdict? Well I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the results! The finer lines on my forehead were reduced to virtually nothing and virtually invisible after the 14 days and the deeper ones softened significantly. The crows feet around my eyes (note. not to be used on the delicate area underneath your eyes) softened and reduced a great deal and the laughter lines around my mouth filled out, much to my great surprise. 

Overall I was very impressed with this product. It does take quite a bit of commitment to remember to apply every morning or evening, or both, depending how your skin takes to it and to keep up the effects, you need to reapply every three months and are meant to use the maintenance products in between.

For a non-surgical option, it's a really great product for freshening up your skin and reducing those pesky wrinkles and plumping up certain areas of the face.

Fillerina is available in most good pharmacies across the UAE. Cost ranges between 550-600Dhs depending on which grade you use.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Spartan Race UAE.......We did it!!

So on a dusty Friday morning, around 5,000 people turned up to test themselves both physically and mentally at the first ever Spartan Race in the UAE. 5kms of sandy course, with 15 obstacles to navigate stood between the start and finish lines.

 I think just running over desert terrain, up and down sand dunes, tested many of the participants before they even got to any of the obstacles, but whether it was rope climbs, tyre flips, scaling walls, commando crawling under barbed wire or wading through mud, everyone gave it their all.

Some of the obstacles definitely required team work and it was wonderful to see people gratefully taking that 'outstretched hand' to help them along the way.

Events like this are amazing and it was wonderful to see so many people of all different fitness levels and abilities giving it a go for their own personal goals. We just wanted to finish! And finish we did.......looking very worse for wear, after wading through all the mud, which was probably one of my favourite things.
The first race seemed to be an unquestionable success and I hope they will bring the event back to the UAE next year, including the longer, tougher, Super and Beast courses which will add extra challenges for people taking part.

If you've never thought of signing up for something like this, why not give it a go? You never know what you can achieve if you don't set goals and try. I'm now looking forward to similar races to test myself further and having a whole lot of fun whilst doing it.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

This......is.......SPARTA!!!! Training for a Spartan race.

So, after the disaster that was the end of 2014, with all the health issues and so on, I've decided that 2015 is going to be a year of setting goals and pushing myself well and truly out of my comfort zone. What better way to do that, than by signing up for a Spartan race!

The Reebok Spartan Race Dubai, will be the sprint version. That means 5k with 15 obstacles to tackle. Entrants don't get told what the obstacles are, but you can guarantee there is likely to be tyre flipping, crawling through mud under things, pulling blocks, rope climbing, fire jumping  and I heard through the grapevine - spear throwing.

What has daunted me most, is fining out that if you can't complete an obstacle, then the penalty is 30 burpees. These are my least favourite exercise - EVER!
I've managed to coerce a few people into putting a team together, because let's face it, these things are far more fun with friends. Plus we can push, pull and shove each other through the course and make it a real team effort.

We've already completed a couple of Spartan training sessions, which were pretty brutal and I don't think we'll aim for time, just to be able to drag ourselves across the finish line.

I'm really looking forward to this. It's a challenge. If you don't set challenges or goals for yourself, then you never achieve anything and I really want to achieve some things this year, it being the last of my 30's after all. AROOOOOOOOOOO :-)

There's still time to sign up: www.spartanrace.ae

You can follow updates on the Facebook page: Spartan Race UAE

And on Twitter: Spartan Race UAE