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Wednesday 28 January 2015

This......is.......SPARTA!!!! Training for a Spartan race.

So, after the disaster that was the end of 2014, with all the health issues and so on, I've decided that 2015 is going to be a year of setting goals and pushing myself well and truly out of my comfort zone. What better way to do that, than by signing up for a Spartan race!

The Reebok Spartan Race Dubai, will be the sprint version. That means 5k with 15 obstacles to tackle. Entrants don't get told what the obstacles are, but you can guarantee there is likely to be tyre flipping, crawling through mud under things, pulling blocks, rope climbing, fire jumping  and I heard through the grapevine - spear throwing.

What has daunted me most, is fining out that if you can't complete an obstacle, then the penalty is 30 burpees. These are my least favourite exercise - EVER!
I've managed to coerce a few people into putting a team together, because let's face it, these things are far more fun with friends. Plus we can push, pull and shove each other through the course and make it a real team effort.

We've already completed a couple of Spartan training sessions, which were pretty brutal and I don't think we'll aim for time, just to be able to drag ourselves across the finish line.

I'm really looking forward to this. It's a challenge. If you don't set challenges or goals for yourself, then you never achieve anything and I really want to achieve some things this year, it being the last of my 30's after all. AROOOOOOOOOOO :-)

There's still time to sign up: www.spartanrace.ae

You can follow updates on the Facebook page: Spartan Race UAE

And on Twitter: Spartan Race UAE  

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