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Sunday 28 June 2015

Getting the point - dry needling for muscle issues

After struggling with shoulder issues for months on end, constantly being in pain and having a limited range of movement - enough was enough. My physios were doing lots of different treatments, electrotherapy, infrared laser, physio massage, ultrasound, all of which was helping, albeit slowly.

Then in one session, it was suggested that we try Trigger Point Dry Needling on the muscles causing the issues. I had no idea what this entailed and just thought it was like acupuncture - how wrong I was.

TDN, to give it its short name, involves using a very fine needle (the same as an acupuncture needle) which is inserted at the point in the muscle causing the problem. I never felt the needle go in at all and was asked to tell the therapist when I felt the needle hitting the trigger point, basically when I felt some pain. At that point the therapist stimulates the trigger point with the needle, then removes it. This is done on each area of muscle causing the issues.

I then had kinetic tape put over the area and went on my merry way.

What I didn't expect, was the next day to feel so much better!!! The pain was greatly reduced and I had a better range of motion in my shoulder and arm - this after just one session.

So I went back for more and the following day it improved again. Basically after just two sessions, I would say my shoulder and arm are 85% back to being normal again.

I'm astounded at how effective this treatment is and really don't know why it's not recommended more, as clearly it works.....and fast!

So, for anyone else suffering from similar issues, it might well be worth asking to try this treatment as it's definitely worked for me.

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