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Sunday 8 November 2015

Selling out on Social Media for 'Likes' and 'Follows'.

Something that I've found quite disturbing lately, I'll correct that, not lately because it's been happening for quite some time and that's people abandoning their social and moral compasses, in favour of sharing anything and everything on social media for the sake of 'Likes' and 'Follows'.

Has it come down to this? Have we become so obsessed with internet stardom that we'll just share any old tat because we think people will think it's cool? Sadly it seems so. Even more disturbing, is that media entities are doing this and using 'click-bait' to up their presence on social media. But at what cost? Wouldn't you rather have integrity? Have people respect your opinions?

I always liked the Peacock report line, where the media is there to 'Inform, Educate and Entertain'. However, it would seem that the first two sentiments are greatly disregarded these days in favour of just pure entertainment, or perceived entertainment.

If you're in a position of power and influence, then you really do have a moral duty to be mindful of what you post, because sadly there are a great many people out there who believe everything they see, think everything is 'cool' because really they just don't know any better. That's not their fault, but you shouldn't pander to that or encourage it and instead take the opportunity to open peoples eyes and educate them.

Don't supposedly be an advocate for something, then post a video, image or other material that goes against what you 'allegedly' believe. It's not cool or clever, it makes you a hypocrite. Luckily recent posts I've seen in this regard were pulled up by the general public who vented their disgust, meaning what was posted was swiftly removed. But why is something being posted to start with? Before you hit that 'publish' button, consider the reactions of the general public? Does that post sit with your brand? Does it represent you? Is it inline with your moral and social sensibilities? If the answer is no - scrap it.

People in charge of social media pages for companies, especially ones in the public eye need to be especially vigilant, because you can destroy a reputation with one bad, ill thought out post.

Not everything you publish is going to encompass all three sentiments of Informing, Educating and Entertaining, but I think we need to up the importance of the first two and be mindful of our social responsibilities.

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