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Sunday 2 August 2015

Review - MedColl Collagen Supplement.

A while a go I was asked if I would like to try a new anti-aging supplement, and of course I jumped at the chance.

MedColl's new collagen supplements are a nutraceutical - basically a product made from natural ingredients, that have medicinal purposes. Great! As natural is definitely the way to go. So the product claims to boost collagen production, keep the skin hydrated and fight off free radicals using anti-oxidants.

This isn't a quick fix, as the supplements are working from the inside and take time to come into full effect and can start to be seen in future skin cycles, with the turnover of new skin cells being approximately every 30 days.

I was given a 45 day supply and had to take 2 of the supplement tablets everyday. Obviously this was going to take a little while for any visible results and I wasn't sure if I'd notice anything at all after just 45 days. However, my skin definitely feels more hydrated and plumper than it did before, this in turn had a reducing effect on finer lines. I have combination skin, with the typical oily T-zone, which seems to have evened out as well. My skin feels smoother and softer overall, which I'm very happy about and I'm sure that over time and continued use of the supplement, there would only be more positive and visible results.

MedColl is available at leading UAE pharmacies and retails for approx: 299Dhs for a months supply - which is cost effective if you want to go a natural route and avoid things like Botox and Fillers.

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