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Saturday 21 March 2015

Fillerina by Labo - a review

Produced by Swiss company Labo, Fillerina is a product I absolutely had to try. It's the first, at home dermo-cosmetic filler for at home use and claims to reduce wrinkles and plump out cheeks and lips.

Having had both botox and fillers in the past - for the deep frown lines in my forehead and laughter lines around my mouth, I was very keen to see the results a non-surgical product could give.

Fillerina consists of two different products, the first is the gel filler, which you apply along wrinkles, frown/laughter lines, crows feet, neck lines, using the precision applicator. You then leave the gel to be absorbed for ten minutes. After this time, any residual product can be patted into the skin (not rubbed in). Following the gel, you then apply the nourishing film and massage all over your face and neck. It's recommended to use up to 2ml of product a day, but to be honest this was a bit much for my skin and I ended up applying both evening at night to be able to use that much. But it's up to you whether you use one or two applications a day.

Fillerina comes in three grades, 1, 2 and 3 and you use the grading charts in pharmacies to decide which grade is suitable for you, depending how evident your wrinkles are.

You use Fillerina for 14 days - there's meant to be enough product for one, 2ml application a day for the 14 days, but I found I had some left over. You then maintain using the other Labo products, then reuse Fillerina in three months time.

So, what's the verdict? Well I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the results! The finer lines on my forehead were reduced to virtually nothing and virtually invisible after the 14 days and the deeper ones softened significantly. The crows feet around my eyes (note. not to be used on the delicate area underneath your eyes) softened and reduced a great deal and the laughter lines around my mouth filled out, much to my great surprise. 

Overall I was very impressed with this product. It does take quite a bit of commitment to remember to apply every morning or evening, or both, depending how your skin takes to it and to keep up the effects, you need to reapply every three months and are meant to use the maintenance products in between.

For a non-surgical option, it's a really great product for freshening up your skin and reducing those pesky wrinkles and plumping up certain areas of the face.

Fillerina is available in most good pharmacies across the UAE. Cost ranges between 550-600Dhs depending on which grade you use.

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