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Wednesday 12 August 2015

Trekkies in Dubai queue up to be part of the next Hollywood blockbuster.

When casting agency Miranda Davidson Studios announced that they were holding a three day, open casting call for the BIGGEST Hollywood movie to be shot in Dubai in the last five years - people turned up in droves.

Never officially announced, but the timings, research and whisperings seemed to suggest that this was for the latest installment of the Star Trek franchise: Star Trek Beyond.

JJ Abrams sadly isn't directing this one, as he's too busy with a certain other franchise set in a 'Galaxy far far away'. But at the helm is seasoned director Justin Lin, who directed many of the Fast and the Furious movies. Also worth noting is that brilliant British actor, writer, producer Simon Pegg, who also plays Chief Engineer 'Scotty' has co-written this latest trekfest.

Anyway, I digress.....

When myself and a few work mates saw this - yup the 'nerds and geeks' of the office, we thought, why the heck not? And trotted off for the casting sessions. These were held in the sound stages (where movie companies build giant indoor sets to shoot their films on), of Dubai's Studio City.

We got there early!

After filling out all our details, showing some ID's, we then had our photos taken. These are the standard head shot, full body shot from the front and side. The we had all our measurements taken, which was all very thorough. After this we were on our merry way again and all you do is sit and wait to see if you get a call.

The cool thing about being an extra is, whether it's for TV, film, commercials or corporate, agencies need people of all shapes, sizes, nationalities and backgrounds - it just depends what they're looking for for each individual project. With this in mind, there's no reason why anyone can't go and register themselves.

Working as an extra is a whole lot of fun! I used to do a lot of it for various TV shows in the UK. 

It's brilliant to see so many big budget Hollywood movies being shot in the UAE now and giving people in the locality the chance to get involved and be part of this incredible industry.

Good luck to everyone who went. If you get picked, I'm sure you'll be fabulous.

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