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Tuesday 30 August 2011

Diets don't work! Change your lifestyle!

It's pretty much a well known fact that the majority of diets simply do not work. They're a quick fix and people pile the pounds back on again as soon as they stop - why? Because they need to make lifestyle choices and changes for life.

I've lost over 6kgs and it's not been through crash dieting, it's been through changing the way I look at food, making healthy choices (you'd be surprised at how many people think they're making a healthy choice, but actually aren't). It's been simple things like cutting down on portions, eating brown rice and pasta instead of white processed varieties. Virtually cutting out bread, reaching for a piece of fruit instead of the chocolate bar or biscuit. To be honest I eat more these days, but it's more good food.

One of the major things I've done, is virtually give up alcohol, which is probably one of the biggest contributors to peoples inability to shift the bulge. I might have one or two glasses of wine or a beer at the weekend, but that's it.

I've upped my water intake by a substantial amount, as I never drank enough water in the first place. Also getting lots of sleep stops snacking and overeating. Did you know that when you're tired your body stops producing appetite supressing chemicals?

Moving more - instead of vegging out, I've been running here there and everywhere at the moment, plus getting in a bit of exercise, but not much I have to admit, apart from the mammouth wakeboarding sessions at the weekends. But that's all about to change as I've just joined a gym, so it's back to regular workouts to tone up, now the weight is shifting.

But these are changes I'm making for me and they're long-term. I do feel so much better these days as healthy living really does suit me. I've never been a huge person, far from it, but carrying a few extra kilos makes me feel bad. If you're going to shed some weight and get into shape, then the one person you have to do it for is you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow… I mean, I have been shifting diet plans, increasing gym sessions, and to be frank I was even researching on the net for the best diet plan. I have probably never read a more true life experience in getting rid of the flab. Thanks for sharing.
