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Wednesday 3 August 2011

GM Diet - Day 4

Ok, I hold my hands in the air and admit that I cheated on my diet last night. I was feeling so horrific and the fruits and veggies just weren't hitting the spot, so I stop and stuffed my face with a burger on the way home - and boy did it taste good! Sadly I've been given hell by my other half and his mates all day for that one, I get the feeling I should have kept it to myself.

Today thought, I was back on the wagon and bananas and milk and soup have been alright actually. It's a good thing that I like bananas and milk as I'm not sure what you could find as a decent substitute.

The one thing I've noticed as this diet has progressed, is the tiredness. I've got very lethargic the last couple of days and felt a definite weakness in my muscles, although the headaches seem to have gone now.

Tomorrow I'm looking forward to finally being ablt to chow down on some meat :-)

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