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Tuesday 2 August 2011

GM Diet - Day 3

Today was fruit and veggie day, so for breakfast I had some sweet melon and a couple of Kiwi fruits. Lunch was a bowl of the special soup and I've picked at some fruit for dinner, but to be honest at this point I feel quite sick. I've been drinking lots of water, but I think my sugar levels have just crashed, so I've been forced to make myself a mug of black sweet tea. My muscles also feel pretty weak.

The cravings for normal food are almost getting the better of me at this point and if the tea doesn't do the trick, I'll be forced to eat something away from the plan to get my sugar levels back up again.

I don't think it helps, that I was up all night going to the loo either :-( lack of sleep, lack of sugar and I think my body might give in quite soon.

1 comment:

  1. Do you just have to eat a right number of fruits?
    Like that melon and Kiwi was the only things you could have had? Or the number is not a problem?
    If you can as much as you want then go and have fruit!!!
    You will get all the sugar that you need from them, easy!
    Cmon keep it up :)

