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Sunday 11 September 2011

A Toby Update - The Teenage Phase

Toby - my special needs puppy is around seven months old now and he's definitely in that teenage puppy phase, where he wants to try and see who's boss. Thankfully he's now lost all his puppy teeth, which were like being bitten by a mouthful of the sharpest needles you can imagine. There were two or three, that were hanging in there for dear life, but after some wiggling and copious amounts of hide chews, they finally fell out.

Toby's soul aim in life at the moment is to see how much he can wind the cats up. Neo, the cat I've had since he was six weeks old, looks on in amusement as the puppy drops his toys in front of him, backs up then stares at him intently, like he's supposed to do something with them. Chloe, my rescue cat, just hisses and bops him every time he wanders past.

I think secretly Neo enjoys the intention and they have quite a few boxing matches and chase each other round the villa.

Toby has also discovered the joy of digging. Yup digging as many holes as he possibly can, all over the garden, then seeing how many of his toys he can bury out there. He also loves rolling around in the dirt, coming back into the villa, shaking, so the dirt all goes on the floor, then proceeding to lie down and roll around in it! I'm so glad we don't have carpets!!!

Of course he's now at that age where he is also starting to do those nasty boy dog things. I've never had a male dog before, I always thought females were far less hassle. All I can say is, thank goodness that because of Toby's disability he can't cock his leg! He's also discovered that he has a willy and you know that old saying 'they do it because they can'? Yep, he does it because he can, but at least he's not tried to mate with either of the cats - yet.

So now the question comes about getting him neutered, which will have to be done as it stops all those bad boy habits. But Toby's issue is, because his legs are not the right way round, his little man sacks are effectively being retained, which my vet says means he will have to do an operation to go in through his tummy and get up in there and try to find them - lovely!

Toby in the mean time, continues to do well and is virtually unrecognisable from the tiny pup we first adopted.

Neo - my loveable (rather huge) cat.

Chloe - my rescue cat, who was abandoned by her previous owners.

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