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Monday 15 August 2011

Social networking - is it destroying communication?

Is social networking destroying peoples ability to communicate properly? Very possibly. In a world where communication and clear communication is key, many people see to be dumbing themselves down through the use of social networking sites.

It's been happening with mobile phone text messaging for quite a few years and now it's creeping into the likes of Face Book and most noticeably Twitter. Where users have only limited characters to get their message across, languages are being destroyed and replaced with short-hand sms speak, mad abbreviations - that I honestly don't understand half the time.

Yes, languages naturally evolve and change over time, but to what extent is this going to change today's languages and the way we interact with one another. We already see examples of youngsters filling out exam papers using text abbreviations, adults who can't fill in job applications or other forms correctly - where will it end? Plus people don't 'talk' anymore. It's too easy to send a BBM, text or whatsapp message, or even have a full blown conversation between several people on social networking sites. Has all our interaction gone virtual?

I have thoughts of the world ending up like that of the movie Idiocracy, where instead of Darwinism ruling and the stupid cleansing the gene pool by taking themselves out of it (hence the Darwin awards every year), we're all going to end up as mindless morons who are incapable of any form of intellectual interaction.

Just food for thought :-)

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