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Sunday 26 June 2011

A Toby update

So I took little Toby to see my usual vet last night and the prognosis really isn't great. The nerve and muscle damage to his hind legs is severe and they will never recover any decent mobility. The vet gave me the option of putting Toby to sleep, after telling me all the issues that he's likely to encounter. But you know he's such a happy little pup and his disability doesn't seem to hinder him, right now he's annoying my cat, chewing loo rolls and running (or hopping) amok around the living room!

I call him the tripod puppy, as he's like a child with rickets, he puts his back legs together and hops about.

I've decided that hydrotherapy will be good for him, to try and build up some muscle tone, to at least support his back legs better so we've been swimming this morning, then running about with the usual toys for some playtime. The water will also help with his skin, which is so try and flaky due to the fleas, ticks and mites that he's had.

It's actually quite amazing to see how he has adapted to his situation. He hops out into the garden, can't be bothered to try and walk, hop etc down the step into the grass so he sort of just rolls off and pulls himself into his favourite patch of long grass to watch the birds.

I've decided to try holistic therapy for him as well, as I'm a firm believer that alternative medicine very often can make a difference where conventional medicine can't.

Sometimes animals just choose you and just because there might be something different or wrong with them, doesn't mean they don't deserve the best chance in life too. Poor Toby has had the most horrific start in life, so I am determined to do the best I can for him :-)

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