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Saturday 25 June 2011

Amazing Animals!

Anyone who knows me, will tell you that I'm a sucker for animals in need. My heart breaks at seeing so many abandoned, unwanted pets at this time of year and trying to find new homes for thm can be almost impossible for the pretty able bodied pooches and moggies. So what happens to the very young, elderly or those with a disability?

I recently saw the plight of a poor little puppy, who was rescued from the Dubai Municipality along with two siblings, originally in ok health although under weight and with a tick infestation, the pups apparenetly had a reaction to some medication to rid them of the parasites. From what I'm told, all three animals suffered paralysis and although two managed to make a full recovery, one little pup is still struggling.

I've taken this little puppy, named Toby into my care and I will to everything I can to try and see if I can't make a difference to him. The poor boys back end is pretty much skin and bone where his muscles have wasted away and his back legs are dead straight. Even so he sort of manages to hop about. You can liken him to a wheel-chair user that has a well developed muscular upper body and a week, wasted lower body as that's pretty much what he looks like.

The thing about animals though, i that they don't feel sorry for themselves, they get around their disabilities and just get on with life - because they have to. Toby is happy to run about the garden, annoy the cats, play with his toys and seems a happy little chap.

Today I have a vet appointment for him, so I will find out the prognosis and what if any treatment can be given to him.

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