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Tuesday 28 June 2011

The start of Toby's treatment

I'm a firm believer in alternative therapies for both humans and animals, as very often you can get results where conventional medicine fails. With little Toby, most vets just look at him and say well that's the way he is and there's not much that can be done about it. They try to 'fix' what is broken, whereas holistic therapies try to get what is broken working to the best of its ability.
Toby is currently having treatment with a wonderful German lady called Hilke, who works at Energetic Panacea in Dubai. She specializes in everything from homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and much more.

Today Toby had an hours session on the magnetic blanket, which basically uses and electrical current passed through magnets, which in turn pass their magnetic field through the body. This can help to relax muscles, unblock trapped nerves and alleviate pain - I'm considering getting one of these more me and my terrible back!
Hilke also made up some homeopathic treatments for him, one to detox his system and another to improve his joints. We took him home and did 5 minutes of swimming in the pool. He quite likes to sit on my lap, whilst I sit on the steps and have his legs massaged.

Toby always tries to use his legs more after he's been exercising, he hops when he gets lazy as it's faster for him to move about, but we need to break his habit of doing this, otherwise he'll forget how to walk.

Next week we are sending him for x-rays, just to see what the situation is with the bones in his legs. He'll also have some more magnetic therapy and hopefully some acupuncture.

It was a tiring day for a little pup and he also got introduced to four Great Danes! Picture that - tiny pup, huge dogs! But he did stand his ground and want to play :-)

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