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Wednesday 1 June 2011

Becoming an 'Easy Rider' pt7

Part 7 already? Wow what a mission this is turning out to be! So a week later and I'm ready to re-take Level 2, after of course completing my mandatory eight extra classes. I arrive at 7am on the dot and am relieved to see that it's the same examiner as last week. There are only two of us  redoing this test, everyone else is doing their Level 1. So of course we are told to go first and I get to go first out of everyone - oh no! My nerves were getting the better of me - big time. But I managed to do my curves left and right with no issues, far better than the previous attempt.

Then, the dreaded light bank comes out! I cannot tell you how much I hate this thing. It's just something that would never happen in real life and you really have to try and stop your brain from guessing what order your going to get the stops and swerves in. The instructor can see I'm extremely nervous and I told him I'd taken a few falls the previous week, so he's like ok I'm going to give you two stops, then left, then right. My first braking attempt is ok. The second my head is all over the place and it's probably the longest stopping distance I've ever done. The examiner makes it clear, that I cannot afford to pick up any points during the swerving, which thankfully I don't.

I end up with a total penalty point score of 31. You're allowed a maximum of 41. So I passed and I didn't fall Hoorah! I'm still annoyed though, as during my school assessment I only picked up 16 points - oh dear. But it's a pass and that's what I needed.

So, what next? Well the final stage which is the Level 3 road test. Of course you don't get to do it the same week, you can't even book in until the next day, and road tests are only done on Thursdays, so that's over a week to wait. But I'm looking forward to it.

Another step closer.

Happy riding :-)

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