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Thursday 9 June 2011

Becoming an 'Easy Rider' - Final part

So today was the big day! I was so nervous, as always turning up this morning. Everyone taking the road test, four of us, turned up before 7am. The examiner turned up at 7 sharp (I can't get used to people actually doing something on time in Dubai!). We all get on our bikes, I am told to go first and the examiner tells me, that if I get the chance to break away and just go for it, then do so.

The examiner and our instructor follow behind in a car, watching us closely for any mistakes. There are four immediate fail categories and each rider is allowed ten minor mistakes.

So we trundle out and hit the road. No major issues, I just ride as I had been doing during my classes and make sure I get my three lane changes in and remember my positioning in the road. Thankfully the traffic is minimal at that time in the morning and I manage to time getting onto the main roads as the flow of traffic is stopped at the lights - phew.

We all make it back in one piece and wait anxiously for the verdict. Three of us have passed and one failed. Luckily I managed to pass the test - yippee! Of course it's extremely frustrating and sad for the guy that didn't and I just think about how many extra classes they're going to make him do, to make a quick buck!

Next I take my file to the transport clearance desk - would I like to pay 300 Dhs to get my license quickly? er no thanks, I'll wait the three days it'll take.

But the relief at finally doing this is immense and I'm so glad I have done it.

Does this make me a good rider? Nope, absolutely not. As a beginner and 'green' rider, you're probably the most dangerous person on the roads. It takes years of experience and practice to become a good rider.

Now, what bike do I want to get? :-)

Happy riding :-)

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