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Sunday 25 September 2011

Holiday Happiness

It can be very hard sometimes being an expat. Sure, we might enjoy the lifestyle, but when it comes to holiday time, the majority of people spend it going to visit family. It can seem very lonely at times, when your nearest and dearest are half way round the globe and you only get to see them maybe once a year. Some people don't see their parents, brothers, sisters or even spouses for maybe two or three years - I can't imagine how difficult that must be.

It's not healthy to work yourself into the ground, where you get to that point, where there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel and time off is so very important. It gives us time to relax the body and mind, to switch off and concentrate on other things.

I'm so looking forward to heading off to see my parents and brother in a short while. I have a new niece who I haven't met yet and I can't wait! My baggage allowance will be totally taken up with gifts, but who cares, family time is precious and we should make the most of it when we can.

I'm also quite nervous as the boyfriend is meeting my father for the first time. He met my mother in February of this year, but they all have quite a lot in common so I shouldn't imagine they'll be any great issues - apart from 'When are you getting married?' Which I keep getting asked - oh why the pressure? LOL

Time off for me is about resetting things. Bringing your life back into perspective and getting ready for the grind once again, but I don't think we take enough time off or as frequently as we should.

Ah holiday happiness. I hate to wish time away, but it can come soon enough :-)

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