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Wednesday 27 July 2011

Possibly the best massage in the world - ever!

First off, I have to say that massages are hit and miss for me. Very often on the few occasions I've had them, I either come away feeling like I've been pummeled and needed like dough, or more stressed than when I went in. I have to say that I am a fan of the Thai way of doing things and have always had pretty good experiences, but this was something else entirely.

A friend recommended the Thai Privilege Spa, so I thought I'd go and check it out. Set in a beautiful villa on Al Wasl road in Dubai, you walk in and are greeted by the wonderful aroma of massage oils and aromatherapy candles. Mixtures of lavender, basil, lemongrass, to name just a few, fill your senses. The whole place just screams 'relax' as soon as you walk in.

The staff are extremely friendly and helpful and you're brought a glass of water and cold lemongrass tea to drink whilst you fill out your details. I had originally booked a Sports massage to work out my tense muscles, but on seeing the issues I have with my back, the receptionist said this would be too hard on me and recommended the Aromatherapy option instead. I was brought a choice of oils - Lavender for relaxing or a Basil mixture for rejuvenation, I chose the latter.

I was asked to swap my flip flops for some slippers and taken off to have my feet washed - I have to say there's nothing nicer than someone scrubbing and washing your feet, it's one of those weird little luxuries. I was then taken off to the treatment room and readied for my massage to begin.

The therapist knew exactly the different pressures to use on the various parts of my body and for working the knots out of my tense muscles, the menthol in the oil giving my skin a nice tingling sensation as she went. I very nearly fell asleep and it's the first time, in a very long time, that someone has managed to massage those evil knots around my shoulder blades to loosen them up without me literally crying in pain. It's also one of the very few times, where a therapist has massaged the stomach area - always good for digestion and an often neglected area of the body. The massaging of the head area is always a good test to a good therapist. I went in with a tense, aching, cracking jaw, tight neck and a headache - came out feeling refreshed, loose and relaxed.

After the treatment, I was given a ginger tea (definitely one to clear the digestive system and the sinuses in one go), some lentil soup and water, plus a hot shoulder pack.

I can honestly say I haven't felt so relaxed and unwound in a long time. This is definitely going to a be a once a month treat for me.

The Thai Privilege Spa has outlets in Thailand, USA, China and Dubai. I would highly recommend finding one near you :-) www.thaiprivilegespa.com

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh thanks for reminding me - I went a few months ago and it was wonderful! And the lentil soup at the end is a really nice touch.
