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Sunday 31 July 2011

GM Diet - Day 1

So today was the first day of the GM Diet and Detox. I was allowed to eat as much fruit as I wanted, except bananas, the more melon the better and lots and lots of water - around 10 glasses if possible.

I made a large bowl of fruit salad, strawberries, sweet melon, raspberries, kiwi fruit, red grapes, apples and nectarines - yummy yummy. I've been drinking lots of water and minted green tea, which I love.

Today hasn't been that much of a hardship, although I did have a raging headache by mid afternoon, which I was assured by a close friend is perfectly normal and actually a good sign that your body is starting to detox. I also have to say that my digestive system feels very calm, which is definitely not always normal for me, as I suffer from a few digestive problems. It almost feels like my stomach saying 'thank you' for the goodies :-)

I started to feel a bit hungry in the evening, but just drank a bit more water and had some more tea, which seemed to do the trick, so I think I was more thirsty than actually hungry.

Tomorrow it's on to vegetable day.

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