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Sunday 10 July 2011

Are we living to work, instead of working to live?

There seem to have been many articles on the stresses and strains of working life recently, where people are literally going bananas because they're working 10,12,14 hour days, 6 days a week, having no life or family time and the pressure is getting too much.

I have no idea why so many employers can't grasp the basic fact that happy employees are productive employees. Yet here, everyone seems to want their pound of flesh and to work people to the point of burn out. It seems many are taking lower salaries and working themselves to the bone - and for what?

Yes we all have our financial commitments, but I'm a firm believer in the philosophy that if you're not happy doing what you're doing, then stop doing it, or find an alternative. What's the point of running yourself into the ground and being miserable? Having your family torn apart because you never see them?

There absolutely has to be a good balance between your working life and your personal life. If you're not getting a good quality of life, well then quite frankly what's the point in the first place? Are we robots? No, we are not.

I see so many people with little to keep them happy in life. We all need to take a little time here and there to chill out, relax, put the stresses and strains behind us and re-evaluate what it is that we want out of life.

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