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Saturday 30 July 2011

The GM diet and detox

So after umming and ahhing for a while, the other half and I decide that we need to loose a few pounds and give our bodies a break from all the rubbish food we've been eating of late. A friend said she was going to do the GM (General Motors) diet and detox, which you do for seven days at a time. Having had a look at it, it seems perfectly do-able and I know of several other people who've had good results.

Now, anyone that knows me will tell you I am normally absolutely against diet fads, because in general they don't really work and are a short term fix, to what should be a long term lifestyle change. However, that's what I intend to use this for. Because it advocates eating healthily, so I figure I can use it as a good starting point.

You can find a few variations of the GM diet online, but they're basically advocating the same thing, lots and lots of fruit, vegetables, water, lean meat, low fat and low carbs.

The boy and I went and shopped for the whole seven days, so we're pretty much sorted, apart from a few fresh things that we'll need to buy on the day we need them.

So day one we're allowed to eat as much fruit (except bananas) as we want, nothing else during the day, just fruit and mostly melons if you can and drink lots and lots of water. I love fruit, so I've stocked up on my favourite of water melon, sweet melon, apples, kiwi fruits, tangerines, grapes and strawberries :-)

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