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Thursday 14 April 2011

Difficult to become and 'Easy Rider'!

So after contemplating this for a while and watching the other half zoom about on his oh so sexy Harley, I decided that I'd like to go for my motorcycle license. However, this was not as easy as one would think. How I wished I'd done it in the UK, then I'd just be able to transfer it across, like I did with my car license.

However, because I have no biking experience, means that I have to do 30 compulsory lessons - are you kidding! I passed my car test in 12! - humph, oh well can't fight it, as that's just the way it goes. But, to even enroll was a complete mission to begin with, because I have a visa from one emirate and a drivers license from another and being loathed to transfer everything to one emirate, meant a little bit of ingenuity. First off, I find it quite amusing that I have to get a letter of no objection from my sponsor, just because I'm a woman! Mind you, everyone looked at me funny when I said I wanted to do my bike license.

If you can get a letter to prove that you live and work in the emirate that your drivers license is issued in, then it seems that the powers that be are quite happy to go with that - a centralized system would be so helpful at some point.

Anyway so now I've managed to register, paid my fees and am waiting for my learners permit LOL then I guess it's 30 lessons of riding round in circles, figure 8's and cones. First, must go and by some cool kit :-)

Will keep updating this process as it goes along. Happy riding :-)

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