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Saturday 23 April 2011

Becoming an 'Easy Rider' - pt2

So after much toing and froing, my learners permit has finally been issued. What happens now? Well apparently I have to do two one hour lectures, one on knowledge awareness (general rules of the road) and one on motorcycle awareness. Now, seeing as all the classes for women were inconveniently scheduled for afternoons, I asked if it would be ok for me to sit in on the men's lectres instead - once again lots of umming and ahhing and do I need a no objection letter from my sponsor for this and in the end the RTA guys said 'no', just turn up for those lectures when they're convenient for you - phew another hoop avoided :-)

Once I've done these two lectures then I have to do the test, which is a forty minute, multiple choice audio test - er ok  then. So we'll see how that goes.
The practical actually riding sessions are a mere thirty minutes each, which the drivng school blocks together so you normally do three or four lessons at the same time - otherwise I guess you can't really learn anything in such a short amount of time. With the way it's been scheduled, I should finish my thirty lessons within about three weeks flat. My obvious concern about the way things run here, is that if you're just riding around a carpark, the first time you actually get onto the road would be during your actual road test - a bit daunting and scary to say the least!

Anyway, everything is booked, I have all the gear, so it's all systems go and let's see how this pans out.

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