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Tuesday 29 March 2011

Pets are for life - not to be abandoned/thrown away/left behind

It saddens me so often to see so many animals treated like disposable items, who can just be thrown out and dumped or abandoned by callous irresponsible owners. Everyday there are posts on forums and websites looking for good homes for poor helpless four legged friends.

Why do people take on animals if they can't have them for life? Expats who've brought animals over from their home countries, only to leave their pets behind when they leave, because they didn't factor the cost of flying them back, the paper work, vaccines, blood tests and potentially quarantine. Or people who've taken on abandoned animals, only to re-abandon them later on. It's like throwing a child away, animals become part of your family, they have feelings, emotions, personalities and aren't soulless creatures that some believe and then gives them the right to treat them badly.

My latest addition to the family is Chloe, a lovely little cat who was sadly left behind by her owners. She was a pet sit and they just never came back. Poor Chloe is 15 years old, so it was always going to be hard to find her a new home, but I took pity on this old dear and took her in. My other cat is 12 anyway so I thought they'd make good company for each other. Now Chloe, instead of being housed in a maids room, has a nice garden to run around in and a big villa to call home. 

People really need to stop and think before taking on animals, because pets are for life, not something you just throw away when life gets a bit hard. Animals give unconditional love and we shouldn't take that for granted.

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