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Wednesday 27 April 2011

Becoming an 'Easy Rider' pt3

So having done my theory test - which is just a series of thirty five multiple choice questions, that are relatively easy if a. you've been driving a long time, b. you've read all the info in the books. Needless to say that I passed - yay.

So onto the practical sessions now. This morning I did three, thirty minute lessons back to back - you have to, thirty minutes just isn't enough time. Have to say that my instructor was very good. We started with all the basic parts of the bike and their functions, then going through being able to use everything without looking, such as ignition, starting, lights, indicators, fuel switch etc. You practice getting on and off and using the foot stand, going through the gears and how the brakes work.

Next you have to walk around with your bike, before finally getting on and just going dead slow with the instructor supporting the back of the bike. I have to say that riding extremely slowly is a complete mission, your balance is all off, but it gets much easier as you're allowed to pick up speed. The of course you have to get used to stopping and starting again.

Learning clutch and speed control I found a little tricky, but once you're able to pick up a bit of speed and actually go up a gear, it makes everything sooo much easier.

I thoroughly enjoyed my lessons and by the end was zooming quite merrily around the car park. I can't wait for the next go where apparently I'm already going to learn the necessary things for the level one test - yikes.

Happy riding :-)

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