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Thursday 5 May 2011

Losing respect and self-respect

I do have to wonder about people and their actions sometimes and their inability to see how it makes them appear to others. It's all very well having an 'I don't care attitude', but when others do care and the fact that there seems to be zero thought for others, consequences or the potential hurt involved for third parties, I do have to question what sort of people act like this?! Plus it's so easy to label other people with tags, but did they ever stop to think what people are starting to label them? Probably not!

It's all very well to throw caution to the wind to get your jollies, but when those actions pose a threat to yourself and others, then sorry it's not acceptable by any means. Sadly, however, some people just won't be told, they'll never learn until it comes back to bite them someday in the future, in which case I would say they don't have a reason to complain or seek sympathy.

Some people seem to have no moral fibre, which leads me to question how much self-respect they have? When you act in such a manner, all you do is attract like minded people and then sit and wonder why no one good ever comes into your life! I know how this works, been there, done that, bought the T-shirt many moons ago.

The saddest part is that some don't realise how much others lose respect for them, don't want to be around them and view their actions as beyond despicable. In which case I guess the only thing to do is create some distance.

It's incredibly sad and selfish and some people really need to stop and take a good, long hard look at themselves.

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