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Monday 21 February 2011

Good workout technique, be more effective and prevent injury

If there's one thing that really winds me up at the gym, it's seeing people using bad techniques during their workouts. Not only does not doing things properly make your workout less effective, but it also leaves you prone to injuring yourself.

A couple of classic examples today. A girl on the treadmill next to me made her workout much less effective by doing what I call the 'looking pretty run'. Basically instead of moving forwards with the momentum, all she did was pretty much bob up and down in a light jog and hardly work anything. Doing a power walk with long, extended strides on a slight incline would have been more effective.

I always cringe when I go through the weights sections of gyms, seeing people flex their backs to flick weights upwards - in a few years they'll be suffering from terrible back pain. If you're having to flex your body to life, then the weights are too heavy, it's really as simple as that. I also still see people putting their hands behind their heads whilst doing sit ups! All that happens when you do this, is you put strain on your neck, keeping your hands either side of your head is much better and your neck shouldn't bend.

The thing that gets me the most is the so called Personal Trainers and Experts wandering around, who don't correct peoples techniques. I'm no expert, but having done many competitive sports in my younger years and also sadly having back issues it's something that I make sure I do properly.

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