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Thursday 17 March 2011

Boozing your life away!

Certain people might shoot me down for this one, but quite frankly I couldn't give a damn! A nasty little cycle that I've noticed over the last couple of years is the tragedy of people revolving their lives around alcohol, where they can get it, how smashed they can get and then how bad they feel afterwards.

In recent times it's become an annoyance for me, as I try to organise weekend outdoor activities, which people initially seem keen on - but then oh wait, they've a big night planned and know they'll be hung over to hell the next day. With the endless events, free booze offers for girls, brunches etc it would seem that some people seem to live their lives from one drink to the next. I do wonder what would happen if they got invited to something where alcohol wasn't available. Are they capable of having a good time without the sauce? I have my doubts.

In my college days I was very often DES, the designated driver, no problem, didn't bother me in the slightest as I'm perfectly capable of going to a club, dancing the night away and having a good time without the slightest drop of a drink. I'd challenge many people to have a go at that and see if they could actually do it - I suspect it would end up in a 99.9999999999% fail rate.

My other pet peeve is people bragging on twitter or facebook about their mammoth nights out and just how rancid they feel the next day. Hey wake up! It's not big or clever and nobody really cares! It's your own fault, self inflicted, so why on earth should anyone take pity on you? Hey I'm no angel, been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, but I'm not going to brag about my stupidity.

I guess I feel sad for these people, because I'd hate them to one day finally wake up and have them feel regret at what they missed on because of the need for a drink. In my book that's an absolute tragedy. So maybe give it a rest for a while hey, look at the world through a clear head and realise what you could be missing out on.


  1. Amen!

    The scary thing is that people don't think that binge drinking is a problem...

  2. Interesting Blog Em and a really valid point. Is it symptomatic of the expat culture? Having been an expat for 8 yrs, I was as guilty as the next person when residing in Dubai. One hangover very much led into the next... Ladies nights, brunches and no doubt that Fridays were always dedicated drinking days!!

    Althought it can seem like fun, it is undoubtedly bad for your health, bad for your waist line, a drain on disposable income and quite monotonous at times.

    Back in the UK for a year now, I have noticed that we do lots more fun stuff at weekends that doesn't revolve around a bar. Of course we still have those boozy get togethers and nights out, but they are perhaps once a month and much more fun in comparison becuase everyone makes a real effort.

    Now, my weekends are now filled with family, friends, days out and hobbies... Is that because there is more to do in the UK? Or is it because sitting in a bar every moment we are not working would be considered irresponsible and pointless??

    Food for thought!!!
