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Monday 21 February 2011

Lack of respect for relationships

Just a short blog update and more of a rambling thought.

I don't know why, but one thing I notice with many people in the UAE or Dubai in particular is the lack of respect for the relationships of others. I'm talking about the girls who actively take on the challenge of trying to go after an attached man, or the guys who'll message you for a booty call knowing full well that you're seeing someone. Relationships can be hard work, especially if your partner works away for certain periods of time and that seems to give others the green light to try and tempt you away, but why would you? Unless of course there's something wrong in your relationship.

But you've spent the time and effort to get to know someone, you're happy together, you see it going somewhere, so why do certain people not respect that fact? I see it time and time again and have to wonder about the mentality of a person, that would actively try to encourage someone to cheat on their partner. Is it seen as a challenge? Do they have issues meeting people? Are they relationship failures? Or is it something more sinister? Whatever the reason, it's still not acceptable.

1 comment:

  1. insecure, jealous or perhaps just plain mean. Some people can't bear to see people happy so they have to try to break things.
