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Thursday 3 February 2011

The meltdown

Inspired by a recent thread on an online forum about meltdowns, how many people have them and are they worse for people in this region - my answer to that question is a resounding YES! I'm not sure why, but people seem to lose the plot around here very very quickly.

Is it the fact that the majority are working longer hours? Many still on six day weeks? Also trying to keep up with a hectic social life? The stresses and strains of rubbish driving, bad customer service and things in general that are easy in many other countries, drive people to despair here. Probably all of the above. Is it any wonder that people explode and lose their tempers on a regular basis, throwing child like tantrums and crying to anyone who will listen.

But it is a worry when you find yourself surrounded by people who constantly seem to be PMSing all the time and it's not just the women!

That's why I'm a firm believer in regular breaks. We're fortunate that some wonderful, chilled out getaways are merely a few hours flight away. Even just taking time out for yourself is a good start, turn the phone off, disconnect the internet and just taking it easy for a few hours does wonders. This needs to be done before people reach burn out stage and just completely lose it. Did you know that mental illness is a huge issue these days? That's an entire blog all on its own and I'm not sure I'm brave enough to tackle it yet - but soon.

So for now, don't let things get to you, relax, take it easy or go and find a punch bag to take out your frustrations.

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