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Monday 31 August 2009

The Dubai waiting game

Today's blog I am writing out of sheer and utter frustration as I sit here waiting for the AC repair man to turn up! I've been waiting since 1pm and it's now nearly 8pm! This seems to be a constant theme in the UAE, where customer service and satisfaction is basically non-existent. For the life of me, I cannot understand why things are so difficult all the time. Is it the age old saying, you pay peanuts, you get monkeys, people who just don't care enough to assist you?

Another example is my health insurance claim. Companies seem to drag out the whole process and make it so unbearably painful. Is it a ploy to make sure that you never go through the process again, therefore making them more money? Who knows! All I know is that I put in a claim over three months ago now, for a not so small amount - and I'm still waiting. A comedy of errors, farce and fiasco from start to finish. We don't accept faxes or emails, you need to send the lab reports (nice of you to tell me two months after I submitted the rest of the paper work!). I finally get an email today saying that a cheque has been raised for only a quarter of the amount I'm claiming for, because the lab reports weren't received - oh wait, you mean the ones that were sent two months ago - ARGH!!!!

It makes me want to go back to my private health insurance! Okay it was a bit pricey, but they always paid 100% in full within a couple of weeks, no hassle, no fuss - brilliant!

I keep thinking that if you started a company here to train and educate staff and businesses how to treat their customers and work more efficiently, you'd make an absolute fortune.

Anyway that's my little vent for the time being.

The AC man has finally decided to rock up, although he doesn't understand a word of English, so this really could take a long time - ah such is life :-)

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