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Monday 12 October 2009

Another year goes by......

I don't know why, but life in the UAE seems to pass in the blink of an eye! I can't quite believe that I've now been here for six years, when it seems like only yesterday I was packing my things from wet and misty Wales to come and live in the desert. Boy things have changed in that time! The place is unrecognisable. I always remember the Hard Rock Cafe being in the middle of nowhere and thinking, what nutter would build an eatery where people have to drive tens of kilometers to get to it? Now of course it turns out the 'nutter' was a smart cookie as the HRC ended up in the mist of the bustling man-made marina area. Sadly though the iconic HRC is now closed and will become another victim of progress, where once nice kitsch places that were popular with everyone are seen as prime real estate land to build yet another towering monstrosity which will lie virtually empty as those who would rent apartments have fallen victim to redundancy and left.

LOL - I digress! Another year has gone by, another birthday, another year older. Many things have been achieved and many have not. There are still many things to be crossed off the list and boxes to tick. But certain recent events have taught me that you have to get on with it and live life to the full, as they say 'Don't put off till tomorrow, what you can do today', 'Live in the now', 'Live each moment as if it were your last'. It's all good you know. It's easy to sit and dwell on what we haven't got or what we haven't yet achieved, or wish for those childhood dreams to one day finally become a reality.

What I like most right now is that I'm pretty much content. I have a group of awsome friends around me, and we've had some wonderful times of late such as celebrating a couples engagement, having dinner parties, ladies nights out, quiz nights, bbq's and birthdays - it's wonderful. As we were out last weekend I looked around and realized that our group has an incredible age range, from 21 to late 40's, yet all have brilliant life experiences, can hold their own in conversation on any topic and are above all great fun and easy to be around - this I find to be quite a rarity. But it makes me realize that no matter what age you are, it's what you bring to the table that counts and every person is as important and wonderful as the next.

So whatever the next day, week, month, year will bring, as long as there are these fantastic people about, then it's all good. I still have my list and will be aiming to tick off a few boxes, mainly in the travel and achievements departments, but hey if something else comes along then great too, but certain things aren't the be all and end all, no matter what some might say.

So cheers, have a sip from the cup of life and enjoy. xxxx

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