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Saturday 15 August 2009

Time to fight the flab and get fit

It's amazing how some of us have wonderful intentions of leading active lives, full of exercise and outdoor activities, while enjoying an amazing healthy diet. The reality on the otherhand for many of us is far from the truth.....I say this as I sit munching my way through crispy tiger prawns and honey fried chicken!!!! Although it was accompanied by a very large glass of chilled water and followed by a cup of Green tea :-/

It never ceases to amaze me however, that as an expat living in such a hot climate how easy it is to pile on the pounds. They say the average is about a stone, well I used to run at around 52 kgs and am currently 61 kgs - eeeeekkkk! Time for some drastic action! And although I'm a huge fan of wake boarding, I have come to the realisation that this in itself is certainly not enough to get me back the tight, fit little bod that I used to have - oh where have my abs gone - they're made in kitchen not in the gym you know!

The problem I find is that we can become inherently lazy. When it's pushing 50 degrees outside, you really don't want to do much. Plus as much as I used to be in the gym, I actually hate gym workouts with a passion, I seriously can't think of anything more boring than running on a treadmill whilst staring at a TV screen or using weight equipment after other people have dripped their wonderful sweat all over and not bothered to spray and wipe the machines down - urgh! (ok, maybe that's the slightly OCD side of me coming out, but still). I did however used to enjoy classes such as Body pump and Combat, even though I am possibly one of the most uncoordinated people you are ever likely to come across. Yoga? Hahahaha don't even go there!

Also in a place where you can get virtually anything delivered straight to your door, it very often works out cheaper to get takeouts, than buy food and cook it at home for a more healthy option, plus the endless choices of brunch, if you're a girl free drinks during the week, eating out and your work mates constantly making super yummy double chocolate muffins and bringing them to work and those calories are soon adding up - where oh where did my waist go?! ARGH! Although at this juncture it has to be said my male friends keep commenting how amazing my enhanced bust area looks at the moment. Ladies we all know it goes on the hips, bum, waist and boobs.

So enough is enough, it's time to sort this out once and for all! At this point I have to say that I'm not a fan of hopping on the scales every morning. As someone who used to compete in various sports, you soon realise that muscle weighs more than fat does, so you need to throw those scales out the window and go on your body size, shape and how you feel. For me this means dragging out the pair of skinny fit jeans with the teeny tiny waist, that I keep in the back of the wardrobe for such emergencies, hanging them in plain view and keep envisioning myself getting back into them.

So as of tomorrow (scoff - how many times have I said this!) it's battle stations! Calorific foods are banned from the house, the dog is getting dragged on extra long walks, those running shoes are getting dusted off - even though running here is akin to putting a treadmill in a sauna. Out comes the skipping rope and that strange half blown up rubber ball thing my best mate A left me will start to get a workout. Oh yeah and what's that big rectangular thing filled with water out the back - ahhhh a swimming pool - lengths ahoy then, rather than floating round in a rubber ring sipping Cosmopolitans.

So I've got my determined head on now, wish me luck, the challenge starts now!


  1. Good luck Emma! Although I seriously doubt that you are in a bad shape. You sound sexy on the radio, I am sure you are in real life! :-)

    BTW, I'm doing a training program too and it doesn't involve the cardio machines (I hate them)...bodyweight exercises are great and you can even do it at home! Check out Turbulence Training coz I'm glad I found it!

  2. Hi Grace! Thanks for the tip. I'll have a look at that :-)

  3. great initiative emma, as gio is not doing his thing anymore, and I myself have given up as well it's good to see someone has taken up the keyboard and doing the honours...i will be reading with a passion...(skipping the girly, girly stuff though)..greets eddy.

  4. Probably should cut our the 6 litres of alcoholic beverages a week.. I know that's my problem :-)
