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Sunday 22 June 2014

Coffee - kicking fat to the curb! COFFEEKIX Review Pt 2

So it's been a couple of weeks now since I started drinking CoffeeKIX, the new slimming green coffee, which is now available in the UAE. Have I seen some results? The answer is a resounding YES. I'm probably down just over 2kgs now since I started drinking it - although some days I will have only one sachet instead of two. I've also started putting a splash of milk in it, just to sweeten up the slightly bitter flavour.

I've found that the coffee curbs my appetite quite a bit as well as having the detox effects - which I will say, if you weren't a regular loo user before, you will be now!!! (to put it politely). One major thing to note, is that you absolutely MUST drink lots of water, because of the afore  mentioned detox effects, you need to replenish the hydration that you could be losing. Also worth noting is that if you suffer from any gastric issues, the effects could be a bit worse for you.

Overall though, so far so good. I still have a few weeks supply to go through, so will update on the end results once I've finished my month. Happy coffee drinking :-)

For more information check out: https://www.facebook.com/coffeekix

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