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Monday 2 June 2014

Coffee - kicking fat to the curb! COFFEEKIX Review Pt 1

Anyone who's ever been told to lose a few pounds, will know that they start looking around for that miracle fat loss product. Well could coffee be it? I've recently been told to lose 10% of my body weight - around 6 kgs, to be healthier. So, I jumped at the chance when offered the opportunity to try out the latest product on the market in the Middle East.

COFFEEKIX slimming green coffee, promises to shed 10% of your body weight in a month, simply by drinking two sachets a day, one 20 mins before breakfast and lunch.

You might already be aware of this product, which has been featured on the Dr Oz Show, and he's all about the best ways to stay healthy and has hailed COFFEEKIX as the 'miracle bean'.

How does it work? Here comes the science bit :-)

Chlorogenic Acid commonly known as green coffee extract is completely natural and found in unroasted coffee beans. It works in 2 very simple ways, It burns glucose, sugar and fat. It also slows the release of sugar into the blood stream, preventing sugar build up in the blood. This combination Burns, Blocks and Stops Fat

Having my first cup, what is my first impression? Well many diet and weight loss products taste, quite frankly awful and I've been given the option of adding a splash of low fat milk and /or sweetner to taste, but actually COFFEEKIX tastes good on its own. I'd liken it to an Arabic coffee with a slight licorice flavour - both of which I happen to like, so no issues there. 

COFFEEKIX promises safe and healthy weight loss, with no side effects, so I have high hopes for this all natural product.

COFFEEKIX is available in the UAE from Harvey Nichols, Bloomingdales, Health Food Stores and 5* Hotel Spa. The recommended retail price is 220 Dhs.

For more information, check out the facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/coffeekix


  1. Hi Emma,

    So were you happy with the result after a few days/weeks? I am about to buy it, I know miracles don't exist but whoever marketed the product did a great job inventing the "shed 10% of your body weight" sentence!

    Thanks :)

  2. Hi Maria, well as you say there's no 'magic' pill, powder to weight loss. It definitely made a difference over a couple of weeks, but everyone is different.

  3. Thank you Emma!
    All the best,
