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Monday 11 August 2014

Mole Mapping - how it works and why you should do it.

Getting your moles checked for any abnormalities is very important and people should screen themselves at least once a year. If, like me, you are extremely moley - basically covered from head to toe, it can be a nightmare to keep track of them all and note any changes in size, regularity, colour and so on.

Well, luckily technology is here to help out with that - Mole Mapping.

So, I shall break it down into a little step by step guide as to what happens and how it works.

Firstly your Doctor will look you over, and that's ALL of you because yes we do have moles in intimate places, so you can't be shy. Then the doctor will mark which moles he/she wants pictured. If you're like me, this means you will be covered in ballpoint pen marks all over.
Next an image is taken of each section of the body and the individual moles are digitally photographed in close up.

The location of each chosen mole is then marked on a dummy within the computer program.

This process can be quite time consuming, especially if you have lots of selected moles like me. I had 225 mapped in all and I think I might hold some sort of record there :-)

Once each mole has been marked, photographed and logged into the system, that part is then done finished. The Doctor will then go through and look at each close-up image and grade it using the screening criteria, which looks at shape, colour, whether there are small veins, blotches and other marks present. This information then determines whether each mole is 'normal' needs to be kept an eye on or should be removed for biopsy.

During my screening, I was already advised that there are several more which will need to be removed for biopsy, some that were obviously borderline and so on.

Once all this information is in the computer, it's there, for the rest of your life and can be given to you to take with you wherever you go. 

Each year you can go back for a comparative screening, where any minute changes in the mapped moles can be detected and the necessary action taken.

This process is invaluable and a brilliant step forward in the detection and prevention of skin cancers and I would advise anyone with moles to go and have it done.

I went to the Dermacare Skin Centre in Dubai.

Take care of the skin you're in - my experience with skin cancer. PT 2

So, this is the follow up to my previous post regarding malignant melanoma. I had the original problem mole excised and was referred to the specialist Dermatologist after the melanoma diagnosis.

Dr Ikramullah Al Nasir at the Dermacare Skin Centre, would be taking care of me from now on. He explained, that because of the diagnosis, he needed to excise more tissue for biopsy to see if the cancerous cells had spread away from the mole. Malignant melanoma is one of the fastest spreading, most aggressive kind of cancers there is, so you really can't afford to mess about with it and early detection and treatment is key. The Dr said that in his experience, of over 20 years, the stage we'd caught it at was very early and so the prognosis looked good.

I wasn't quite prepared for how much extra tissue was required to be taken out. I made the mistake of taking a peak during the procedure and I really wish I hadn't. In the end the incision was just shy of 4 inches long and quite deep into the layers of the dermis, meaning that I needed internal as well as external stitches.
The picture looks quite horrific, when you consider the size of the original mole and how much tissue has now been removed.

The next step is to wait for the biopsy results. I would ask that everyone who has moles, get them checked every year without fail. It's so important and could save your life.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Take care of the skin you're in - my experience with skin cancer. PT 1

I debated whether I should share my experience on this topic or not, but then I thought, if it encourages just one person to go and get themselves checked, that would be brilliant.

Our skin is the largest organ in, or in fact ON our body. It's an organ that takes the brunt of daily wear and tear and abuse, and we really need to take care of it.

I'm the typical fair skinned, freckly person, who burns in the sun, never tans and is covered from head to toe in moles. Yup, I'm moley, moley, MOLEY. I've always tried to take care in the sun, using high factor sunscreens, but like everyone, can be lax at times.

I've always been aware of the fact that I could be more prone to skin issues and problems with my moles, so over the years I've had check ups, especially on the large dark moles and had others taken off. This check up was no different, I went to see the Dermatologist at GMC, Jumeirah and had three sticky outy (that's the only term I have for them) moles taken off. I also had a few larger, darker moles checked, close up exams and photos taken of them. The doctor however, was not happy with one in particular. This particular mole on my thigh, which I have to say has always looked ragged and irregular, he decided had to come off for a biopsy. Now when I say 'come off' it's actually 'cut out'. Being flat and flush on the skin means it needs to be excised. The excision area was approximately 2cm in size, as you can see below.
The mole was sent off for a biopsy and I didn't think anything of it, as it's not the first time. Then I got a call a week later - could I come into the clinic? Sadly I was snowed with work, so the doctor called me back and I NEVER expected to hear him say 'It's a malignant melanoma'. To say that my knees nearly buckled underneath me is an understatement. Malignant Melanoma - that's skin cancer right? That's all that went through my head for the rest of the day.

So, for the next step I was referred to Dr IkramullahAl Nasir at the Dermacare Skin Centre. He went through the biopsy report and told me that we now need to excise a larger area, to determine whether that was it, or whether the melanoma has spread further outward and or downward into the tissue. When he drew out the area he would like to cut out of my thigh, I wanted to cry. Three to four centimetres might not seem a lot, but when it's drawn in a big eye shape on your leg, it certainly seems a lot. 

Ok, that step decided on, the Dr also told me that because I have so many moles and already have one melanoma, that I can't take any chances and really need to be 'mole mapped'. This basically involves digital photography to track any subtle changes in moles as you go for check ups. Given how moley I am, this could take hours.

That is the stage I'm at now. I will have the next excision and mole mapping done within the next week and wait for those results to come back.

Living in a country like the UAE, where the sun beats down pretty much 365 days a year, it's important to be aware of how to take care of your skin, use good skin protection when out and about - I wear factor 100 every day on my face and hands. Have good sun sense and if you have moles, make sure that you check them regularly and be aware of any changes in size, texture, and colour.

I'm happy that I took precautions, had regular check-ups and by the looks of it, caught this one early when something can be done about it. Sadly, other people are not so lucky and it is crucial to be vigilant. Malignant Melanoma can be one of the most aggressive forms of cancer that there is, so early diagnosis and treatment is imperative.

I am now well aware, that because I have one, the chances of me developing more are high, so this is now a life-long issue for me. Please PLEASE, have regular check ups and prevention is better than having to deal with something once it has developed.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Coffee - kicking fat to the curb! COFFEEKIX Review Pt 2

So it's been a couple of weeks now since I started drinking CoffeeKIX, the new slimming green coffee, which is now available in the UAE. Have I seen some results? The answer is a resounding YES. I'm probably down just over 2kgs now since I started drinking it - although some days I will have only one sachet instead of two. I've also started putting a splash of milk in it, just to sweeten up the slightly bitter flavour.

I've found that the coffee curbs my appetite quite a bit as well as having the detox effects - which I will say, if you weren't a regular loo user before, you will be now!!! (to put it politely). One major thing to note, is that you absolutely MUST drink lots of water, because of the afore  mentioned detox effects, you need to replenish the hydration that you could be losing. Also worth noting is that if you suffer from any gastric issues, the effects could be a bit worse for you.

Overall though, so far so good. I still have a few weeks supply to go through, so will update on the end results once I've finished my month. Happy coffee drinking :-)

For more information check out: https://www.facebook.com/coffeekix

Monday 2 June 2014

Coffee - kicking fat to the curb! COFFEEKIX Review Pt 1

Anyone who's ever been told to lose a few pounds, will know that they start looking around for that miracle fat loss product. Well could coffee be it? I've recently been told to lose 10% of my body weight - around 6 kgs, to be healthier. So, I jumped at the chance when offered the opportunity to try out the latest product on the market in the Middle East.

COFFEEKIX slimming green coffee, promises to shed 10% of your body weight in a month, simply by drinking two sachets a day, one 20 mins before breakfast and lunch.

You might already be aware of this product, which has been featured on the Dr Oz Show, and he's all about the best ways to stay healthy and has hailed COFFEEKIX as the 'miracle bean'.

How does it work? Here comes the science bit :-)

Chlorogenic Acid commonly known as green coffee extract is completely natural and found in unroasted coffee beans. It works in 2 very simple ways, It burns glucose, sugar and fat. It also slows the release of sugar into the blood stream, preventing sugar build up in the blood. This combination Burns, Blocks and Stops Fat

Having my first cup, what is my first impression? Well many diet and weight loss products taste, quite frankly awful and I've been given the option of adding a splash of low fat milk and /or sweetner to taste, but actually COFFEEKIX tastes good on its own. I'd liken it to an Arabic coffee with a slight licorice flavour - both of which I happen to like, so no issues there. 

COFFEEKIX promises safe and healthy weight loss, with no side effects, so I have high hopes for this all natural product.

COFFEEKIX is available in the UAE from Harvey Nichols, Bloomingdales, Health Food Stores and 5* Hotel Spa. The recommended retail price is 220 Dhs.

For more information, check out the facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/coffeekix