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Thursday 5 May 2011

Becoming an 'Easy Rider' pt4

So I've now completed 15 lessons in total, which amounts to a mammoth 7.5 hours ride time! Yikes! After the first few lessons of simply getting to know how to ride a bike, you then start practicing for Level 1. This entails riding round a simple course, where you have to show proficiency in using indicators, doing head checks, emergency stops and the 'slow' ride - this happens to be the hardest part lol.

You go for your Level 1 assessment after 10 lessons. It was easy enough and I passed with a 100% mark with no failings or deficiencies. One Level 1 is out the way, then you start training for Level 2, which is basically swerving and curving and testing your reaction times. There is a semi-circle of two which lines, that you must stay within, whilst riding at a good speed - simple enough, just try NOT to go over the white lines. Secondly a bank on lights - yellow, red, yellow, is put in the middle of the test area. By remote it tests your reaction, swerving to the left, right or doing an emergency stop - quite fun actually.

So that's my next goal, to pass the Level 2. Once that is done, then it's all about working towards the road test - actually going out on the road? with the nutters here? I must be insane!

Happy riding :-)

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