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Monday 26 October 2009

Time for a change

They say that as one door closes another opens, change is for the better, sometimes it's the motivation that we need to pull ourselves together and get on with things. There are big changes coming and sometimes you have to embrace them to be able to move forward. Someone who has been a big part of my life is leaving for good, it's sad, the situation is fraught with emotion and unknowns, but everyone keeps keeps telling me it's for the best and I'm hoping this will be the case.

It's at times like this that you realize who your good friends are, the ones that stick by you, offer advice and help unconditionally, people that you might not speak to or see that often but they are there when it counts :-) Friendship in this place seems to superficial to some, it's tragic! People who you thought were your friends can turn on you and cast you aside over the most ridiculous things. It's the whole clicky group scenario that I've always hated - ever since school. Hahaha I'm always the square peg trying to fit into a round whole, but I realize that there is no point whatsoever in trying to please people and change who you are to fit into their demographic, true friends will love and accept you for who you are and for that I'm very thankful for the mad, crazy, outgoing, caring, loving friends that I do have.

Why should you change to please others? If they can't accept you as you are, then what's the point? And it's their loss and issue not yours or mine. That's one thing I also realize and accept about the person who is leaving. I spent three years being a person that wasn't me, trying to please someone else, to bow to their every whim, but as time progressed and we drifted apart, my old self came back to assert itself, to the point that that person doesn't recognize me anymore. That's the thing about trying to change someone, it has a complete negative effect - did you ever really know them to begin with? Probably not.

The next few months are going to be trying and testing, but I look forward to change and now have the motivation I need to move forward and progress and keep on smiling.

Happy days :-)

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