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Wednesday 26 January 2011

Food as fuel, not an over indulgence

Now, I did promise waaaaay back to blog about health and fitness, which I wasn't very good at keeping up with, but I aim to rectify that now. Before I start I must make it clear that I am no expert in this field and the information I impart is from my own experience and research that I have done.

Before I get onto exercise, I want to start with food. So many people complain about having gained a few pounds and are struggling to lose them. Weight loss is basic mathematics, calories in versus calories out. On the majority of food packaging it states that the average daily calorie in-take for women is 2,000, and 2,500 for men. However, this can vary wildly depending on your lifestyle. If you have a sedentary job and don't do much exercise, then the calories you require would be less, whereas on the flip side, if you're a sports and exercise junkie and constantly running about your calorie requirement would be higher.

I mainly think that it's the attitude many of us have towards food that needs to change. Many people just eat anything and everything and then wonder why the pounds pile on. I like to view the body as an engine, you only need to give it as much fuel as it requires to function at optimum level, no more.

I'm a firm believer in the grazing approach to eating, little and often. It keeps your metabolism ticking over, without the spikes and slumps that sporadic eating can give you. Portion control is also important. I know very well when I've eaten too much, as I instantly go into a food 'coma', feel sluggish and sleepy as all my body's energy has been diverted to digestion, rather than normal functions.

'Diet' is a term that I really don't like with regards to weight loss, as your diet is daily and necessary. I believe that everything in moderation is the key, restricting many foods only leaves to cravings that cause binge eating and all that good work is undone in an instant, there's nothing wrong with little treats here and there.

I have so much ground to cover on this subject, that this is just a basic overview of some of my thoughts and I shall continue in the next blog.

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