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Saturday 22 January 2011

Always look on the bright side of life!

As Monty Python would say 'Always look on the bright side of life'! In all honesty who knows why certain things happen. Is it fate? Chance? Destiny? I can't tell you, but I do know one thing and that's certain things happen in life that are meant to force you to look at what you're doing and the direction you're moving in. I'm a firm believer that everyone ha the potential to do great things, but it depends on the person and their motivation as to whether they can seize opportunities and have the guts to take a chance on something.

As the old sayig goes, 'As one door closes, another one opens'.

We shouldn't look back on life and say 'If only I did that'! For the best part of fifteen years people have been telling me that I should learn to dj properly, or write more or do this or that and I always shunted certain things aside, happy just to float along and go with the flow. But now at the age of thirty five, I am starting to get those pangs of regret at not doing certain things, so at this point I'm making my list of the things that I want to achieve in life and I'm doing it for ME, because you shouldn't necessarily do things for anyone else.

I don't believe it's ever too late to learn something new or to achieve something else, heck, most people these days don't know what it is they want to do in life until their late twenties. Also one thing I've noticed, not just in this town, but pretty much everywhere, is that there are so many distractions that stop us from getting on with things and progressing in the directions we should be. Focus - is the key word. Shutting everything else out and just knuckling down and getting on with things, because no one else is going to do it for you at the end of the day. Motivation is also a key factor. Setting achievable goals that we can reach within a set amount of time.

Now I have my goals, so my aim is to stay FOCUSED and MOTIVATED to achieve those goals within this year.

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