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Wednesday 23 May 2012

Put some Glamour in your life :-)

Always on the look out to put a little more girly glamour in my life, I stumbled across GlamBox. This is a neat idea where for a small subscription fee, each month you get sent a gorgeous pink  box with five sample size beauty products - genuis! So you get the chance to try the products then decide if you'd like to purchase the full sized item.

Items in the May box can be seen here: http://www.glambox.me/month-623.aspx

My favourites are definitely the Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant - after using this my skin looked brighter, cleaner, clearer and felt a lot smoother, this is definitely one product that will become a staple part of my skin care routine.

The Xen-Tan Scent Secure Gold is a nice product. I'm not one for using fake tans, of which the majority smell awful, so this moisturiser will be fantastic. However, being used just as a tinted moisturiser it instantly gives your skin a nice healthy glow and being oil free it sinks in instantly locking in moisture - fabulous!

Always a big fan of Lancome products, I was really pleased to see the Hypnose Doll Lashes mascara in my GlamBox (my old mascara is way past its bin by date). The cone shaped brush means the mascara goes on evenly, giving volume and an extended look to your lashes. I also found this particular mascara very light and easy to wear.

As someone who has wild, wavy, fizzy hair the next product really caught my interest, Davines OI/OIL Absolute Beautifying Potion. It's a treatment oil that can lock in moisture, untangle, anti-frizz and protect your hair leaving it soft and shiny. After washing my hair and working through a few drops of the oil, then styling as usual, my hair seemed a bit more manageable and less likely to instantly frizz in the humid UAE weather. It'll take a little time to see how this product really works on my hair though.

The final goodie in my May GlamBox was a voucher for a blow dry at N Style, which I'll keep for a special occasion.

Take a look at www.GlamBox.me for more information :-)

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