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Monday 19 October 2015

The trip of a lifetime - Horse riding safari in South Africa and Botswana.

When I turned 40 this year, I promised myself I was going to go on the holiday of a lifetime. A bucket list trip that I'd always wanted to do - a horse riding safari in Africa. I went online and did quite a bit of research and came across a company called 'In the saddle', who organise horse riding trips around the world. The one that caught my eye was the 'African Explorer', which entailed four nights in South Africa and three in Botswana. Was it expensive? Quite! But you know what? If there's something you want to really do, you'll find a way and a means to do it and I certainly wasn't disappointed.

I went off by myself and hooked up with a group of seven strangers for a weeks riding and it was AMAZING!!! In South Africa we stayed at Horizon Horseback Adventures Camp Davidson, which is a little away from the main lodge, consisting of a group of tented accommodations, a main eating tent, dip pool, paddock for the horses and incredible views across the plains.
One of the tents at Camp Davidson

Each day we did two rides, one morning and one evening. Riding across various game reserves we came across lots of different animals (non-dangerous), such as giraffe, kudu, zebra, warthog and many more.
Giraffe in the reserves around Horizon, South Africa

Riding through the reserves around Horizon, South Africa

One of the highlights was seeing the Hippos in the lake - obviously you have to take care around these animals. We were lucky enough to see them come out of the water and give us a grin :-)
Hippos in the lake

The horses at Horizon were lots and lots of fun, all lovely animals, all very well cared for and the guides were able to match up the type of rider that you are with a suitable horse. I always like something with a bit of fire and spirit and was given 'Livingston'. He didn't disappoint. It was four days of pure fun and one of the highlights was being able to swim with the horses on the last day. That was a truly brilliant experience and one I'll never forget.
Going for a canter with Livingston

One thing I have to mention is the food! Oh my gosh, the food! I have no idea how the lovely cook managed to create such wonderful culinary creations in a tent with limited facilities, but she did and every single meal was simply fantastic.

We also got the chance to do a game drive through the Entabeni Reserve, where we were saw some amazing animals including elephants, white rhinos, baboons, impala and we were very very fortunate to come across a black rhino - there are only about 500 left in the whole of South Africa after their numbers have been decimated by poachers.
Game drive through Entabeni Reserve, South Africa

White Rhinos in Entabeni Reserve

After four days at Camp Davidson, it was time to say goodbye and we hit the road to head to the border and into Botswana. The next three nights would be spent with Limpopo Horse Safaris at the Two Mashatus camp in the Tuli Block. Once again, we had horses selected for our abilities and this time I had 'Cimarron'. Such a lovely gentleman, with a fantastic jump and speed and zest if asked of him.
Posing with Cimarron and some giraffe

In Botswana we got up with the sun, had our breakfast then spent the next five or six hours in the saddle - yup you really have to be ride fit for this part of the trip. The lovely thing about Botswana, is that the reserves aren't fenced in, so the animals can freely wander and you get to ride in these vast open spaces with lovely long canters.

We saw animals such as giraffe, kudu, impala. One highlight was cantering along with a small herd of wildebeest, another was stumbling across a family of hyenas, who were happy for us to watch them play. The one incredible thing I loved was the elephants! To get so close to these huge, intelligent, majestic creatures was a definite highlight for me and I was able to capture some truly memorable moments with them.
A baby elephant looking to its mother for reassurance

Elephant and sunset - beauty in a picture :-)

Each evening we'd go out for a drive around the reserve, stopping for sundowners as we took in the beauty of it all.
One thing that amused me was how bold some of the animals are. You'd very often find 'Cheeky monkeys' stealing food from the horses.
It was a very sad time, when we rode the horses back to the stable and finally had to say goodbye. What an incredible adventure we'd all had. I'd made wonderful friends, had an amazing time and I do have to say that the guides for both parts of the trip - Lucas and Nina at Horizon, West and Theda at Limpopo was all extremely professional, made us all feel 100% safe, were great fun and amazing to hand out with.

This truly was the trip of a lifetime and one I will never forget, but, I will definitely be going back for another African Adventure :-) Happy riding.

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