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Wednesday 30 September 2015

Review: Detox Delight - Business Traveller Package.

As someone who is always on the go, very often working erratic hours with a busy life, I find it very difficult to schedule time to eat and eat properly. So, when I was asked to try out the new Business Traveller Package from Detox Delight, this sounded perfect to me.

The package is specifically designed for people on the go, to make sure you get proper healthy nutrition instead of reaching for junk food snacks and sitting down to a heavy, unhealthy meal at the end of the day. The package provides you with a three day vitamin booster pack, which consists of six juices, so you have two a day - the equivalent to eating over 2kg of fresh fruits and veggies, without the fuss.

My juices arrived all fresh and packed in ice and looked delicious. They consisted of the following:

1. Lemonade - Filtered water, Lemon, Activated Charcoal, Maple Syrup, Chili Pepper.
2. Orange - Apple, Carrot, Wheatgrass, Lemon.
3. Pink - Apple, Raspberry, Coconut Water, Lime, Mint.
4. Green - Apple, Spinach, Watermelon, Lemon.
5. Lemonade - Apple, Filtered Water, Pink Grapefruit.
6. Yellow - Apple, Pineapple, Cucumber, Celery, Lemon.

All the juices are 100% natural, raw and unprocessed with no additives or sweeteners. Organic and cold pressed AND they're absolutely delicious! Having made juices myself in the past, I am used to the taste and for some people the 'green' juices might take a bit of getting used to, but because there is always something sweet used as a base, it really makes these juices easily drinkable.

It made life so much easier, just being able to reach for one of these, instead of having to make something myself or make an unhealthy choice.

I was also sent some of the Detox Delight snacks to try.

The Crunchy Granola was great to pick at for a snack and I especially loved the delicate cinnamon flavour.
The Spicy Crackers are definitely one of my favourite things. Super tasty, with a bit of a kick and quite addictive actually. Who knew veggies, seeds and spices could be combined together into something so yummy. The added bonus is that these snacks are completely organic, gluten-free, vegan, all natural and free from preservatives or any additives.

I was also sent some energy balls as a snack - sadly no pic, as I kind of liked those a little too much and they were gone before I realised it *blushes*.

I have been so happy when getting up at 4am in the morning to be able to reach for a juice for breakfast, to get a vitamin boost first thing, as usually I can't eat anything and this has been perfect for me.

Loved everything I was sent and can't rate it highly enough.

The Business Traveller Package - which consists of the six juices is 370 Dhs (excluding delivery).

For more details and a full list of packages that Detox Delight offers, you can head to their website. Detox Delight

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